Bridge Precision bidding guide.
Forcing bids are marked as (!).
Alertable bids are starred.  Announces are marked as [A].


First two bids establish HCPs in partnership.  Next two bids establish
suit.  Splinter + cue bids to show slam interest.  RKC1430 + quantative
NT to set slam contracts.

SECTION I: Offensive Conventions, non-competitive bidding

opening bids:
1C*: 16+ HCPs (!) [A: length]
1D: 13-15 HCPs (12-15 if non-vul and body), unnamed long minor [A: length]
1H: 12-15 HCPs, 5+ hearts
1S: 12-15 HCPs, 5+ spades
1NT: 12-15 HCPs, even distribution (11-15 if non-vul) [A: NT range]
2C*: Mini-Roman (12-15HCP, 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 split) (!)
2D*: Flannery (4-5-x-x, 11-15 HCP if non-vul, 12-15 HCP if vul)
2H: weak 2H bid, 6-11 HCPs, 6+ hearts
2S: weak 2S bid, 6-11 HCPs, 6+ spades
3C, 3D, 3H, 3C: prempt 3-level bid (minimum 6 quick tricks, 7 if vul)
4NT: Blackwood (NOT 1430 RKC, just ace-asking) (!)
(even distribution = no voids/singleton, no more than 1 doubleton)

responses to 1C:        over an interference bid[1]:

1D!: 0-7HCP or 4441 split (see: impossible negative)
1H!, 1S!, 2C!, 2D!: Positive, 8+ HCP, 5+ cards, game forcing
1NT!: 8-10 or 20+ HCP, balanced hand, NT conventions are off
2H,2S: 6+ cards, 4-7HCP
3C, 3D, 3H, 3S: 7+ cards, 4-7HCP
2NT: 11-19 HCP, balanced hand, NT conventions are off

over interferance:
pass: 0-4 points
(re)double: 5-7 points or no good positive bid available
suit at lowest available level: positive, same as above
immediate jump-shift: 8+ HCP 4-4-4-1 split with shortage in bid suit

opener's 2nd round responses to 1c-1d:
suit bid at cheapest level: 16-21 HCP, 5+ cards
jump sit, 22+ HCP, 5+ cards, game forcing 
1NT: 16-21 HCP, balanced hand, stopper in every suit, nt conventions on
2NT: 22+ HCP, balanced hand, stopper in every suit, nt conventions on

Impossible Negative
If responder bids 1D with 8+ HCP and a 4441 split they must jump to indicate
their strength.  

Over a bid by opener of responder's singleton, responder jumps to NT
Over a bid by opener of one of responder's long suits, jump to the suit below
 the singleton
Over a bid by opener of NT responder bids normally as they now choose the
 final contract

responses to 1D:
pass: 0-5 HCPs or none of the below
1H: 6+ HCPs, 4+ hearts
1S: 6+ HCPs, 4+ spades
1NT*: 6-12 HCPs, even distribution (!); ask partner to rebid longest minor
2C: 6+ HCPs, 5+ clubs
2D: 6+ HCPs, 5+ diamonds
2NT: 13+ HCP, even distribution, game forcing

On a two suited hand bid in the order Clubs,Spades,Hearts,Diamonds
reversing shows 12+ HCP and 5 of both suits and is game forcing
jump bids are strong

Following 1D-2D an opener bid of a major at the 2 level indicates 4 cards in
the major and 5 cards in clubs.

Following 1D-3D opener bids 3NT to correct to clubs, 3H,3S,4C to indicate 
(in order of preference) second and third round controls, first round
controls, or second round controls.  Bid second and third before first, even
if it is a higher suit (RKC will show firsts and then the other two will be
known), or 4D to initiate RKC in diamonds.  

Following 1D-3C opener bids 3D to correct to diamonds, 3H,3S,3NT are cuebids
(see above) where 3NT is a cuebid for diamonds.  4C initiates RKC in clubs.

Note that in both of these sequences RKC is unadvisable if your suit agrees
with the jumpshifter.  The jumpshifter almost certainly has the better hand
for evaluation since you don't have a side suit, so it's better to cuebid.

Be aware that with a 1D open and if partner has no points, the resulting
contract is an awful 1D with possibly no trumps at all.  This is an
unfortunate side-effect of using Precision bidding.

In the event that the opener's RHO bids before he has disclosed which
minor he has, a pass is clubs and a double is diamonds.  (Assuming bidding is
below 3NT)

responses to 1H: bid as normal SAYC (same for 1S except for suit)
1S:  four spades, 6+ HCP (one round forcing)
1NT: 6-10 points, denies fit
2C,2D! : 11+ HCP, four card suit (one round forcing)
2H: 3+ card support, 6-10 HCP
2NT!: Jacoby 2NT, 13+ HCP and 4 card support
2S,3C,3D!: invites slam
3H: 10-12 HCP, 4+ card support (limit raise)
3NT: 15-17HCP, balanced hand
3S,4C,4D!: splinter, 4 card support, 10-13HCP with singleton in bid suit or
           9-12HCP with void in bid suit
4H: 5+ hearts, singleton or void, fewer than 10HCP

responses to 1S: bid as normal SAYC 
1NT: 6-10 points, denies fit
2C,2D,2H! : 11+ HCP, four card suit (one round forcing)
2S: 3+ card support, 6-10 HCP
2NT!: Jacoby 2NT, 13+ HCP and 4 card support
3C,3D,3H!: invites slam
3S: 10-12 HCP, 4+ card support (limit raise)
3NT: 15-17HCP, balanced hand
4C,4D,4H!: splinter, 4 card support, 10-13HCP with singleton in bid suit or
           9-12HCP with void in bid suit
4S: 5+ spades, singleton or void, fewer than 10HCP

responses to 1NT:
pass: 0-6 HCPs (1NT open), even distribution
2C: major suit Stayman (!)  (alert if auction opened with 1C)
2D: Jacoby transfer to 2H (!) [A: transfer]
2H: Jacoby transfer to 2S (!) [A: transfer]
2S: minor suit transfer to 3C (!) 
2NT: minor suit transfer to 3D (!) 
  note: after a minor suit transfer, opener may refuse by switching
  to the intermediate suit (2n for clubs and 3c for diamonds)
3C: long clubs (6+), weak ("bust") hand, sign-off
3D: long diamonds (6+), weak ("bust") hand, sign-off
3H: long hearts (6+), limit-raise (10-12 HCPs)
3S: long spades (6+), limit-raise (10-12 HCPs)
3NT: 12-15 HCPs, even distribution, sign-off
4C: Gerber (!), slam attempt
4D: Texas transfer to 4H (!) [A: transfer]
4H: Texas transfer to 4S (!) [A: transfer]
4NT: quantative NT slam attempt

With 7-11HCP and even distribution, bid stayman and reject the suit to NT

1NT over a double is conventional, over 2c is conventional except double
 indicates stayman

1NT over 2D/H/S (lebensohl, slow denies):
2 of a suit - natural, sign-off
3 of something other than ops suit - 5 card support, stoppper, game forcing
cuebid of overcalled suit - promises a stopper in ops suit, asks for 4 card major
3NT - to play, no major, promises a stopper
2NT - relay, denies stopper, requires 3C response then
  pass - weak hand, good clubs
  3 of a lower ranked suit - natural, sign-off
  3 of a higher ranked suit - natural, invitational
  cuebid - asks for 4 card major, denies stopper
  3N - to play, no major, no stopper

responses to 2C (Mini-Roman):
2D, 2H, 2S, 3C: Natural, indicates longest suit and no game interest
                 Opener then passes or corrects to next suit up if 
                 bid is in short suit
2NT: Asks for short suit and shows game interest

over an interference bid (HCP is flexible)
double*: 8+ HCP 4 card holdings in at least two suits
         opener responds by bidding short suit
any suit: 10+ HCP 5 or strong 4 card holding in bid suit
         opener corrects to next suit up if short suit
pass: no interest in contract

responses to 2D (Flannery):
pass: 6 diamonds, less than 10 HCPs
2H: sign-off in hearts, less than 10 HCPs
2S: sign-off in spades, less than 10 HCPs
2NT*: request partner to clarify (possible minor suit game or slam) (!)
3C: if opener has club fit, sign-off with 3NT; else pass
3D: if opener has diamond fit, sign-off with 3NT; else pass
3H/3S: invitation to game, 10-12 HCPs
4C/4D: transfer to 4H/4S, sign-off, 13-15 HCPs and little length in trumps
4H/4S: sign-off, 13-15 HCPs and length in trump suit
(if opener has fit = Ax, Kx, or Qxx in that minor suit)

 clarification bid after 2NT:
  3C: 4-5-1-3 (3 clubs)
  3D: 4-5-3-1 (3 diamonds)
  3H: majority of points in H, 2-2 in minors
  3S: majority of points in S, 2-2 in minors
  3NT: majority of points in minors, 2-2
  4C: 4-5-0-4 (diamond void)
  4D: 4-5-4-0 (club void)

responses to 2H, 2S: 
  raise: to play, 2 card support non-forcing
  shift: natural, 5 card suit, either 12+ points or two card support in 
         opener's suit, forcing one round
  2NT: request outside feature. 3 in opener's suit indicates no outside 
       features, forcing one round

responses to 3H, 3S:
  raise: to play, 2 card support, preemptive (must be bid with 3 card support)
  shift: natural, 5 card suit, either 12+ points or two card support, forcing
         (responder supports with 3 cards or rebids without)
  3NT: to play, shows a strong hand with the expectation of running suits

SECTION II: Slam Conventions

See the slam page.

SECTION III: Defensive Bidding

Doubles up to 3S are takeout/negative doubles.  Doubles at 3NT or
above are penalty doubles.  Exception: doubling Artificial Bids at or
above 3NT (such as Blackwood responses) indicate what suit to lead.

If partner's last bid was 1NT (opened 1NT or 1C-p-1x-p-1NT-2C) and RHO
bids 2C, double to indicate Staymen.

Unless responding to Blackwood or Gerber, redoubling indicates
support: 3+ in the suit and minimal values.

Unusual 2NT: After a 1 level open, 11+ HCP and at least 5 card support
in the two lower unbid suits.  E.g., RHO opens 1D, 2NT indicates at
least 5 hearts and 5 clubs.

Michael's Cue bid: After a 1 level open, 5-11 HCP and 5/5 support in
the two higher unbid suits.

SECTION IV: General Bidding Notes

When determing what final bid level the contract should be, combine yours
and your partner's high card points.
  1-level = 13-18 HCP
  2-level = 19-21 HCP
  3-level = 22-24 HCP
  4-level = 25-27 HCP
  5-level = 28-32 HCP
  6-level = 33-36 HCP
  avoid bidding grand slams without at least 37 HCPs

Add distribution points after a suit has been agreed upon.  One popular
convention is to count voids as 3 points, singletons as 2, and doubletons
as 1.

The original framework for this bidding sheet comes from Fred Mueller
and Barbara Israel of the Columbia (Maryland) Bridge Club.  I would guess that
none of their work is left, but I'll leave credit just in case :-P

This page was mainly done by Jason Tang and modified substantially by
Christopher Craig

Et Cetera:
Opening leads and discard strategies